
How SineTamer Works

How SineTamer™ Works

PowerEMT SineTamer

All suppression devices and power filter devices sold on the market today are voltage actuated for their protection to start to work.  In simpler terms, there has to be a rise in voltage and it must reach a certain level before their protection is able to kick in or start to function to remove this excess energy from the power circuits.

This type of protection is utilized on all competitors surge suppression units that are currently sold to protect the home or building from lightning strikes or transient activity. The untouched excess energy can be catastrophic on all electrical appliances and electronics.  Most power filters or plugin protection units sold today, simply short or shunt this unwanted or excess energy to the neutral or ground wire by means of a capacitor, which falls far short of removing the excess energy from the electrical system, only to create additional problems electrically.

The SineTamer utilizes special Frequency Attenuation circuitry protection that is frequency actuated rather than voltage actuated like all the competitors.  This type of protection is only available from the SineTamer family, and actively tracks and follows the sinewave form very closely, enabling the unit to react much faster and more effectively to remove this unwanted energy.  All 360° of the sinewave form is fully protected, rather than just above the extreme levels of the competitors clamping levels which usually leave most of the sinewave form vulnerable to excess voltage levels from the transients.  Pictures below show the difference in protection between the SineTamer and competitors.

The resulting superior protection is shown below.

SineTamer’s special Frequency Attenuation Protection also incorporates special RF and EMI filtration within its circuitry to remove levels of the higher harmful frequencies between 1 kHz right up to 10 MHz for the Smart Meters and electrical grid.  The SineTamer’s special frequency circuitry protection absorbs the excess transient energy from the power and eliminates it throughout the internal circuitry, leaving no residual energy to be injected back onto the power.  This enables the SineTamer to draw no power to function, only to light 2 Small LED lights to show operation status.

Before SineTamer

After SineTamer

ST S8070A1 1S1
120/240 Volt
Single Phase up to 600 Amp Service

Download PowerEMT Data Sheet – PDF 227kb ]

USD $1,189.00

If you have any solar systems please contact us prior to ordering.

* Includes Shipping & Handling to everywhere in North America.

Duty Taxes Extra if Applicable.

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